
What is it? And how can you host one?

Are you unavailable on September 3? Or uncomfortable participating in a Zoom meeting with people you don’t know? Then Meeting in a Box is an alternative way to hear from you! In brief, you can discuss the same questions planned for the Virtual Public Workshops, but with the people you feel comfortable meeting with in person.

  • We provide you with the meeting materials (invitations, agendas, participant worksheets, etc.) and detailed directions for hosting a meeting (click here to download).

  • You can customize these however you like, so long as you ask the same discussion questions.

  • Invite your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone else you’re comfortable meeting with - please keep the total to no more than the current Massachusetts standards for gatherings.

  • Alternatively, you can mail/e-mail materials to participants in advance and do a virtual meeting.

  • Discussions can be had in as little as 30 minutes or as much as 2 hours - it’s up to you!

  • Gather feedback from your guests and return it all to the City.

Interested in hosting a meeting-in-a-Box? please do the following:

  1. Download the Materials - This document in Microsoft Word can be downloaded, customized, and printed. Read through the materials for step-by-step directions.

  2. Let Us Know What You’re Planning - Fill out a form so we know what meetings you are planning and when to expect your materials.

  3. Any questions? Please contact Nathan Moreau, Associate Planner, Planning Department